Determination of surface area-specific analysis of the surface area tester, is a more mature domestic dynamics of nitrogen absorption, most of the existing China-made equipment can also direct comparison of the law, F-Sorb 2400 surface area analyzer is able to achieve real BET method of detection equipment (both direct contrast) and, more importantly, F-Sorb 2400 surface area analyzer is so far the only fully automated intelligent than the surface area of detection equipment, test results and consistency of the international high Stability is also very good at the same time to reduce human error and improve the accuracy of test results. (GB.T 19587-2004) - gas adsorption BET principle of determination of specific surface area of solid material. The white carbon black surface area is also very important, the white carbon black surface area of research and data in the report, only detected by BET using the results are real and reliable, at home and abroad because of the development of specific surface area measured by the standard tests are based on BET Method-based. Fumed white carbon black is all the nano-white carbon black, the product purity of up to 99%, up to size 10 ~ 20nm, but the complexity of the preparation process, expensive precipitated white carbon black is divided into the traditional precipitated white carbon black and special precipitation White carbon black, the former refers to the sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, CO2 and water glass as the basic raw material production of silicon dioxide, which refers to the use of high-gravity technology, sol - gel, chemical crystal method, the crystallization of the second or RP Microemulsion micelles and other special methods of production silicon dioxide. Fumed white carbon black for normal flocculent translucent white amorphous solid colloidal nanoparticles (particle size less than 100nm), non-toxic, there are huge surface area (100 ~ 400m2 / g) (using the F-Sorb 2400 surface area Instrument testing method BET). High temperature, non-combustible, tasteless, odorless, has a very good electrical insulation.īy white carbon black production methods can be divided into precipitated white carbon black and fumed white carbon black. Can be dissolved in hydrofluoric acid and caustic alkali, insoluble in water, solvents and acids (hydrofluoric acid). nH2O said nH2O which is in the form of surface hydroxyl groups. White carbon black is a porous material, its composition can be used SiO2. White carbon Black is a white powder X-ray amorphous white carbon blackte and white carbon black products, collectively, mainly refers to the white carbon black precipitation, fumed white carbon black, white carbon black gel and ultra-fine aerogels, including synthetic powder Aluminum and calcium white carbon blackte, and so on. News source: Reads:14163 AddTime: 16:25:49 Collects this page